Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I just wanted to make it very clear that I am NOT an atheist. Not in the least. I just don't believe in some of the rituals that Hinduism deems necessary to do. I don't believe that its necessary to go to a temple to pray. I don't believe that one shouldn't eat meat because one belongs to a certain caste. I don't believe in, and can't help being a little grossed out, by the Hindu practice of sprinkling kumkum and flowers and stuff in rice and then eating it. I believe there is a God, or some higher power that controls what happens to us. And I think that one should pray to God. I just don't think that one should have to do it in a particular way. Its all about believing, right? Shouldn't one be able to worship the way he or she believes it should be done? Religious Freedom, that's what I believe in.


aru murthy said...

hey i agree kr

aru murthy said...

perhaps they aren't meaningless to some ppl. i have nothing against others practicing them...just don't force me to.

Anonymous said...
