Friday, April 07, 2006

Trivial Ambiguities

There are a few things that confuse me.

Like where Aditi fits in the equation of divine geaneology. Aditi is supposed to be the mother of Hema, and the father of the Gods...which means that Hema is the Gods' first cousin and Aditi is Hema's uncle. So it follows that Aditi is her own brother...or sister depending on where you're starting from.
And apparently, she's married to the mother of the asuras who's gender is as yet undecided. So that makes the poor demon mater Hema's uncle, aunt, step-mother and step-father. Like-wise the Gods.

.... Chari's educational qualifications. She is supposed to have passed her MSc but she's incapable of doing 12th standard physics. She can't teach. She can't control the class. She can't even buy opaque blouses.

.... the school bus timings. Theoretically, the buses are supposed to leave at 1:00 when our classes end. But today they were supposedly waiting on teachers who were still working in the Comp Lab. Teachers who neither came nor existed.


aru murthy said...

ooooooooh...but its nicer this way.

livepika said...

HALLO!! what is that? i AM NOT goin to be kicked around like a football by ppl who decide MY SUPPOSED family tree...

n btw...u got it all wrong...dee said she was the opposite of the MOTHER of ASURAS...which works out to father of devas...however she is married to herself...that is where it all begins...*grin* the rest is for someone else to sort out

aru murthy said...

ok sorry

aru murthy said...

varun! are you using swear words again?

Anonymous said...

nah tht was me!!! - who m i - spiderman

aru murthy said...

why does everyone love spiderman so much?