Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Revised Divine Geaneology

I spent Friday night sitting in the temple of Doom discussing the relationships that the mother of all Asuras and her numerous proginy share. Confusing as it is, I think I may have just about worked it out.

Aditi: Mother of the Devas and Father of Asuras, she is the creator and destroyer, the male and female (seizures of laughter), she is her own antithesis.

Hema: The daughter of Aditi.

Tara: The soul sister of Hema, and therefore the step-daughter of Aditi.

Vasudha: Tara's alter ego. Tara and Vasudha complete each other's sentences and thoughts. So that makes Vasudha Hema's step-soul sister, and Aditi's daughter once removed.

Shruti: In a new development, it has been discovered that Shruti is Hema's twin sister. So she is Aditi's daughter, Tara's alter soul sister, and Vasudha's alter souls sister once removed.



Anonymous said...

am i really so dumb ???????

Anonymous said...

tht's the second time tht i failed to make sense of somthing completely