Thursday, November 01, 2007


So here's the deal with my bio proff. She's a horrible teacher, but she's hilarious in a Woody Allen-esque way. Here are some of my favorite things she's said in class.

(On Tay-Sachs disease) "So all you embryoninc physicians out there, just discover a disease that noone else has heard of and it'll be named after you and you'll be famous too."

(On some website she wanted us to read for the next class) "Go to this website if you're interested in cell biology....actually don't. It's full of dirty pictures. And if you do, do it from someone else's computer so no one will know it's you."

(On some random scientist who discovered something really important in 1890...forgot the details) "...and contrary to what alot of you might believe, I was not around at that time...but this dude was."

(On fermentation and the production of carbon dioxide from sugar...and this is my favorite.) "My advice to you is, if you ever make beer, and I think you should, it's fun, store your bottles in the garage or on the deck...not in your kitchen in case you overdo it with the sugar."

Sigh....I love Finnerty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wohoooooo........long time. And guess what, I know what Tay-Sach's disease is....if only i could remember it.